WorkZilla platform review: how to make money in 2022?
Workzilla is a popular service platform for those looking to go freelancing. The resource has been operating since 2009 and during this time more than 5 million users have registered on it – customers and performers. As for the latter, the most active earn about a thousand euros a month. Below you can read a detailed review of the platform, and whether it is worth working on it.
About the WorkZilla Platform
The platform is a resource that allows you to earn money from anywhere in the world (the main thing is the Internet and a gadget for work). Each user can find a task according to their abilities, from the easiest to more complex and, accordingly, higher paid.
The system for selecting performers is carried out on the principle of a tender, but using artificial intelligence. He analyzes freelancers and selects the best performer for a specific order. Here the general statistics of a particular profile matters – reviews, experience in performing similar services, rating, etc.
Workzilla platform – for who is it suitable?
Workzilla is an platform for everyone. Both for customers and performers. The latter are designers, copywriters, programmers, SEO specialists, etc. As mentioned above, here everyone can find a suitable task for themselves. Customers can place quick orders – write a text, make a post on a social network, translate, and so on, or vacancies (search for employees for a permanent job).
How Workzilla Works
First of all, you need to sign-up. This is the fastest:
- you need to enter your email address and name in the appropriate fields;
- an email will be sent to the specified email address with an activator link to follow.
Then the user will be prompted to choose “I am a customer” or “I am a contractor”, which can be repeatedly changed in the personal account.
In order for the performers to get access to the tasks, the starting rating, it is necessary to pass a small test. It is not limited in time and consists of 4 questions.
The first 2 are for the ability to quickly search for information.
The third is for grammar, and the fourth is the same for everyone (at the time of writing).
After the user enters all the answers, you need to click the “Check” button. If all answers are correct, the test is passed. If there are errors, the resource will indicate in which of the tasks they were made and they can be quickly corrected. The number of attempts is not limited.
Next, users are waiting for the final stage – payment for a subscription. As a rule, this is 13 euro, but sometimes you can get a discount and purchase it, for example, for 9 euros. Considering that the average order amount is about 10 euros, you can quickly return the money spent.
How to find a freelancer
To find a freelancer, you need to click on the “Give a task” button in the upper right corner and make a choice between “Task” and “Vacancy”.
When choosing a one-time job, you must specify all the required parameters (location of execution, deadlines, price, task description). You can attach a file with technical specification, a picture, etc. to the task.
When choosing “Vacancy”, you need to consistently fill in the free fields (preferably all), add contacts for communication.
How to find a customer
The “Tasks” tab displays all orders placed on the Workzilla platform. For the convenience of selection, there are special filters. You need to select the task you like and click on it to get acquainted with the technical specification. There is also a field for a message to the customer. It should be noted that beginners are less likely to get a highly paid order. First, as in any similar platform, you need to develop a rating.
There are a few simple rules for this:
- be online more often;
- always submit work on time;
- to be polite;
- try to establish communication with the client (address him by name, do not answer with too short phrases, etc.).
Some performers at the initial stages offer to complete the task cheaper or simply for positive feedback.
The most promising areas
As with any freelance platform, the choice of promising areas is quite extensive.
This includes the following professions:
- copywriters and translators;
- SMM managers;
- web programmers;
- contextual advertising specialists;
- sales managers;
- application developers;
- designers, etc.
If you want to find a suitable field of activity and succeed in it, Workzilla is quite easy.
platform prices
There are no subscription plans on this platform. Prices are set by the customer depending on the importance and complexity of the project. On the resource, in the “Prices” section, you can find the approximate cost of individual services – this is a popular rate for a particular task.
Is Workzilla Worth It?
If a potential user is still in doubt about whether to work with this platform, below are its main pros and cons.
Let’s start with the benefits.
- Really great selection of jobs. Probably, no freelance platform can boast of such an assortment. New tasks arrive on average every 28-30 seconds.
- Decent pay. Every freelancer with experience in other sites knows their rates. Here, the cost of the work is actually beneficial for the performers. On average, for one task you can earn 6 euros and more.
- Affiliate program. This system on Workzilla is very well debugged. For attracting a new user, a person receives 7% of the amount of his payments (for the entire period of work on the platform).
- Fraud protection. All performers are reliably protected from scammers and do not have to worry, their work will be 100% paid.
Now let’s move on to the disadvantages, there are fewer of them. First, it’s a paid subscription. Potential users do not have the opportunity to try their hand for free. And although you can work out this money very quickly, this fact sometimes scares beginners. It is also worth noting a rather long period of withdrawal of funds (3 days after the creation of an application for receiving money). But many platforms have problems with this.
In general, there are much more positive moments, so the Workzilla freelance platform can definitely be recommended for work.
Workzilla analogs
Here are some popular analogues of the Workzilla platform:
- FL is a well-known platform with a large selection of tasks for specialists of any profile;
- eTXT is a service for ordering texts, where you can also find a large selection of ready-made articles;
- KWORK is another platform where you can buy or sell any kind of internet services.
In general, if the user has certain skills, knowledge, it is worth trying to monetize them on the Internet. It is likely that this will develop into a stable, well-paid job.