AdsBridge service overview — reviews and tracker settings
Beginners and experienced affiliates use various tools in the process of work, which make it possible to withstand even the toughest competition. Among such tools, the AdsBridge traffic arbitrage tracker deserves special attention.
AdsBridge overview
The presented AdsBridge tracker belongs to the category of multifunctional tools that have been actively used since 2013. It has a certain database of landing templates used for anti-fraud systems, traffic redirection, multi-user mode and split testing. It is possible to use a special referral program in which you will have to pay 10% of the site’s income for a commission fee.
Installing the presented tracker on hosting is not necessary, as it is available online. Among the possibilities of the site, the following should be highlighted:
- distribution of traffic according to specific parameters – 20 criteria are opened for use by the user, among which the most frequently used are region, country, mobile operator, browser, and others;
- setting up reports according to the schedule – it is possible to display information on campaigns, streams, affiliate networks, traffic sources, landing pages, offers, conversions, and other criteria. Users have access to such a function as conversion management. Each of the presented reports can be uploaded to an Excel spreadsheet;
- split testing in various combinations of landing pages and offers;
- using the automatic campaign optimization function – this function is needed to determine offers and landing pages for automatic redistribution of traffic volume;
- setting up traffic redirect;
- the use of a bot filter in the work, which provides traffic protection through the introduction of manual redirect settings;
- the ability to integrate with partner networks – ready-made templates are offered to implement this process;
- setting up links through the activation of an SSL certificate.
Every new customer can count on getting two weeks of trial mode for free. The price of the paid package depends on the functionality of the tools.
Setting up AdsBridge tracking
One of the important steps is setting up AdsBridge tracking. To implement this process, you must be guided by a specially prepared instruction.
- At the first stage, you need to enter the “Affiliate Networks” section. In the event that the affiliate network is already in the list of suggested templates, then it must be selected and saved. This will indicate that all settings have already been selected, so the user only needs to select it from the proposed templates.
2. At the second stage, on the affiliate side, you need to copy and paste the postback. If there is no grid in the list of templates, then it must be configured manually. To do this, the affiliate network manager must provide such data as a list of its macros and parameters. On adsbridge postback traffic is set in each case separately.
3. At the third stage, you can proceed to the procedure for creating an offer and choosing the affiliate network that was previously configured.
4. At the fourth stage, if there is a traffic source that is already being worked with, you can set it yourself or choose from the proposed list of templates.
- In the fifth step, before creating a campaign, it is recommended to add a custom domain to ensure full functionality.
- The last step is to create a campaign, as a result of which the user will receive a tracking link to be placed on the traffic source.
How to set up a cloak through AdsBridge
The next step after setting up the tracker campaign is to set certain settings for the AdsBridge cloak.
To do this, you need to create a campaign. When implementing this process, you need to select the type of campaign without a redirect.
Next comes the process of adding the target landing page and those offers that are needed. After adding them, click on the “Save” button. At the next stage, you need to copy the script without a redirect and add it to the code of a specific landing page with the Click url setting.
Pros and cons
One of the most important features of AdsBridge is its versatility. Although the site is intended for affiliates, it contains a fairly large number of functions and tools. The main advantages of the service include the following:
- the presence of a multi-user mode;
- no need to install it on the server;
- promotions and discounts are additionally offered for advertising partner networks;
- long period of using the demo version;
- affordable cost;
- opportunities for newcomers to the industry.
If we consider the negative aspects of the AdsBridge service, then they cannot be singled out, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews from customers. The only significant drawback may not be the easiest interface for a beginner to learn.
Alternatives to AdsBridge
For affiliate tracking, some alternative solutions can be used instead of AdsBridge. They should include:
Each of the presented platforms has its features of use and advantages, due to which each user decides which options to prefer.